Residential solar system has been around for some time and thanks to the increasing commercialization solar power system, prices are dropping. However, average households still will not be able to afford a full fledged solar power system as it can cost anywhere between $4,000 to $15,000. So what choice do people have? Many have chosen to go DIY and set up their own residential solar system at home and some are even sharing what they have done as proven system that works. This article will touch on what information you need to have in order to build the system on your own and how to obtain those information.
Before you start to do anything, it is good to first have a clear overview of how the system works. There are tons of information online that will fill you in on how residential solar system function. However, you may get confused by the large amount of info online. The key is to just find a guide that people have used before and have successfully implemented the system with it. It will be more efficient and save you much time.
Having a good overview of the system is important but do not spend too much time on it. The next thing you need to find out are the components needed to do the job and where or how to obtain them at the lowest cost possible. You do not want to spend $1000 on a DIY project. I know of a guide that uses components you can find from local hardware store and it costs only less than $200 to build the whole residential solar system.
Once you are clear about the components that you need, it is time to learn how to put them together. You need a guide that will show you the exact tools and things you need to do to achieve that. This portion should also include how you are going to track the amount of electricity produced by the system and how you can store the excess power for later use.
A complete guide will show you all of the above and more. Topics like how to design off-grid and on-grid residential solar system and how to use wind turbines to generate electricity are good to haves.
George Tho is a DIY enthusiast. Read his review on a complete guide on how to install residential solar system with less than $200 even if you are a complete DIY novice. Author's review website on clickbank products: Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided for the purpose of education and illustration only. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
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